Ambassadors for Christ

It can be a prestigious assignment to be named “Ambassador to_______”. Depending upon where in the world that one who is selected for this task is sent, it could be the job of a lifetime. The title “Ambassador” comes with a level of respect, privilege and often, great responsibility.

I once worked for a company that had as its founder a former U.S. ambassador. He had rubbed elbows with presidents and other world leaders. Because he had been hand-picked by our President to represent our country overseas, it gave him a level of importance in our minds beyond that of being the head of a multimillion-dollar company. Speaking with him was almost like speaking with the president.

Well, you have been hand-picked by God to be His ambassador. Like any ambassador, you are a representative in a foreign land. You speak for your country and its Leader. The honor and reputation of your country and its Leader is in your hands. Your country, of course is heaven, where you are a citizen. Your Leader is God. Do you realize the importance of that responsibility? Being an ambassador for the U.S. is very important, but it can’t compare to being Christ’s ambassador!

How do you come across to people as Jesus’ representative? Perhaps you’ve noticed how bubbly representatives for companies like Avon, Mary Kay, or the latest cosmetics direct-selling salespeople are. Part of the joy they get from promoting their products is in providing people with options for hiding their flaws. We all—women and men alike—can get excited about new ways to cover up a blemish here or a wrinkle there.

What if you could represent a company with a product to remove—not merely camouflage—remove every unwanted line and spot? As an ambassador of reconciliation through Christ, you do represent something that wipes away all the defects that make people ugly in the sight of God. You have a miracle to offer to people! How excited do you get about that? How far would you expand your “client base” to let people know?

Whether you’re a sales representative or an ambassador for a particular government, your motivation for carrying out the task will be a huge factor in being successful. The motives of money, fame and prestige will only get you so far. There has to be something deeper, something of greater value. The best salespeople truly want to help people. The best ambassadors sincerely believe in what their country stands for. In the same way, ambassadors for Christ must have the right motivation for success.

One of the greatest missionaries of modern history was Hudson Taylor. For 51 years, in the mid-to-late 1800s, he served as a missionary to China. The following story demonstrates his belief concerning the motivation for representing Christ in foreign lands: 

When Hudson Taylor was director of the China Inland Mission, he often interviewed candidates for the mission field. On one occasion, he met with a group of applicants to determine their motivations for service. “And why do you wish to go as a foreign missionary?” he asked one. “I want to go because Christ has commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” was the reply. Another said, “I want to go because millions are perishing without Christ.” Others gave different answers. Then Hudson Taylor said, “All of these motives, however good, will fail you in times of testings, trials, tribulations, and possible death. There is but one motive that will sustain you in trial and testing; namely, the love of Christ.”

Earthly ambassadors should love their country. Successful salespeople should love their product. How much do you truly love Jesus? The level of love required of a successful ambassador for Christ should inspire us to promote Him vigorously wherever we go, and be willing to go wherever He sends us.

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”  ─2 Corinthians 5:20


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