Guaranteed Delivery

My computer needed replacing recently. In my attempt to be frugal, I purchased a used computer on eBay. I know, that was my first mistake! It included a pretty good return policy, so I figured it was safe. It had the increased memory and other features I wanted, so I thought I was getting a deal. I paid and enthusiastically anticipated the arrival of my “new” laptop. I took advantage of the online tracking. I watched as the delivery date, and then a revised date, came and went. Nothing happened beyond the purchase; it never shipped, it was never delivered, it was a scam. Thankfully, eBay agreed and gave me a total refund without objection.

Human dealings always come with a measure of risk. If that weren’t the case, there would be no need for contracts, guarantees, warranties, permits, licenses, or other means of assurance regarding transactions we conduct with others. It doesn’t matter if we are dealing with individuals, groups, businesses, or governments; ultimately, there is a limit to the trust we can put in people. Not so with God.

It doesn’t matter how much others disappoint us; God never will. Nevertheless, people will still get disappointed with God. It happens when He doesn’t do what they expect. In these cases, the god in whom they believe doesn’t exist. He is something they’ve imagined, one who is there to perform according to their expectations. They made a one-sided deal, and he didn’t perform. But God is not like a genie in a bottle, waiting to grant our wishes. If we are His, we can be confident that His actions will ultimately not disappoint, as Paul writes in Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” 

God has a plan. The exciting part for those who believe is that we can track His plan right through to delivery. We don’t know all the details that lead to full fruition, but we know His plan will not fail. No matter how many times we experience what may feel like a failure, God has not failed. His plan of salvation, justification, sanctification, and glorification is purchased, guaranteed, and delivered through the death of Christ on our behalf. And it’s no secret because the Lord has revealed it to us in His Word.

Think of the times throughout history that the enemies of the Gospel have believed they thwarted the plan of God. Not even the most intense persecution of Christians and Christianity has stopped it. The philosophies and arguments opposing our faith have failed. One fact that points to Satan’s lack of omniscience is that he remains convinced he can win. The devil seems to believe that his attempts will mitigate the inevitable total defeat that awaits him. He is mistaken.

There have always been believers who have felt defeated and that God’s plan had failed, but feelings can be deceptive. The momentary setbacks of our efforts in representing Christ on earth will never lead to ultimate success for the enemy. In the end, we can’t lose. God’s plan will be delivered right on time, as promised. We will be delivered from sin, evil, death, and judgment. We can be fully confident, and it’s no scam.

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” —Romans 8:31–32




Jesus is King