Trust in Tough Times

God’s power and authority control the universe. However, things happen that seem counter to His perfect will and authority. Those things happen because he has allowed for free will. Satan chose to rebel against His authority. Man has a choice as to whether or not to love God and submit to His authority.

At times, especially when the circumstances around us appear out of control, we may think that Satan and His demons have limitless power and that God can’t do anything about it. We don’t see Him intervening, so we assume He’s somehow overwhelmed. Some make the mistake of thinking either He won’t act, or can’t. But He can and He will. Like the cat in the following story, we are often completely unaware of what He’s doing for our benefit.

J. Wallace Hamilton (a famous preacher from the mid-20th century) used to tell about a mother cat, with a baby kitten in her mouth, trying unsuccessfully to get across a busy New York City intersection. She would meander timidly out into the traffic and then dart back to the curb when nearly hit by a passing car. A traffic policeman in the center of the intersection, seeing her plight, thrust up his hands to stop traffic in both directions. The anxious cat scampered across to the other side and disappeared down an alley.

Hamilton pointed out that the cat had no idea that the authority of the New York City Police Department had been called upon to enable her to get safely across the street. Then he added, "I wonder how many times the mighty hand of God goes up to get us safely to where he wants us to be and we're not even aware of it."

Bob Russell, "Does God Notice a Sore Tooth?" The Southeast Outlook (4-30-15); submitted by: Van Morris, Mt. Washington, Kentucky

Just as the policeman in that story limited the flow of traffic, God uses His authority to limit what the devil can do in our world and he knows it. His demons know it too. That is clearly illustrated in the story of Jesus after He crossed over the Sea of Galilee to a gentile area called the region of the Gerasenes.

As Jesus got out of the boat, an uncontrollable, severely demon-possessed man met Him. Jesus began demanding the spirit, which turned out to be numerous spirits, come out of him. The response of the demons reveals a lot about Jesus’ authority over everything, including powers of darkness. They cried, “What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You by God, do not torment me!” (Mark 5:7). In the process, the man did the first logical thing he had done for a long time, he bowed down before Jesus. The demons had made him do many destructive things, but that one communicated clearly who Jesus is.

The demons know. In fact, James says “Even the demons believe—and shudder!” (James 2:19 ESV). They take Jesus’ authority seriously. Just not seriously enough. One day they will. It seems that when the going gets tough, many of us either forget, stop believing in who He is, or don’t take his authority seriously enough.

We are living in a time of tough going. Many might wonder why God hasn’t stepped in to put an end to what’s happening. He can end pandemics. He can bring swift justice to those who seem to be getting away with unbridled lawbreaking. Where is He? Be assured He’s there and He’s paying attention. He’s not uncaring about or incapable of bringing all of this to a glorious conclusion. As Peter wrote: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). He’s not uncaring, incapable, or slow, He is patient and His timing is perfect. Let’s trust His authority and His timing.

“Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it must happen this way?” ─MATTHEW 26:53–54


Beyond Big Church


Rejecting Human Authority