Dependence Day

Two hundred forty-four years ago, on the Fourth of July, our Founding Fathers ratified the Declaration of Independence, announcing our sovereignty, declaring that we were no longer a part of the British Empire and not answerable to King George III. That separation was based in no small part upon an appeal to an entitlement provided by “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” The recognition of God, not a human sovereign, as our ultimate Authority, played no small role in our becoming an independent nation. Now having grandkids, I’m wondering how we’ll explain that to them someday. They may not be able to relate.

What happened to the central role of God in our nation? Being a product of the “Leave It to Beaver” generation, One nation under God” is something I grew up taking for granted. No one had to explain it to me. Prayer had not been erased completely from schools. The Ten Commandments weren’t controversial. The public square was not a religion-free zone. Things have changed drastically in my lifetime. But of course, it can’t stop with the removal of God, especially the Christian influence, from our culture. The next steps are inevitable.

Having successfully expunged the public practices and reminders of our Christian values as a nation, it is impossible for the secular humanists to politely remain neutral. Without the protective filter of moral standards grounded in faith in God, atheistic, immoral practices and philosophies bubble to the surface and get embraced by the public. Thus, the Supreme Court hands down decisions insulting the Supreme Being while the Founding Fathers spin in their graves.

Based on the reaction of some of the believers, Jesus might have the same question He asked of His disciples on the stormy sea, “Why are you afraid, you men [and women] of little faith?” (Matt. 8:26). It seems that when the going gets somewhat tough, because we falsely assumed we would always be governed by those who valued our faith and showed great deference to our cherished biblical principles, many are convinced, “...we are perishing!”

Yes, it is sad, disappointing and disheartening to have the Supreme Court and those in the highest offices in our land virtually disregard the strongly held convictions of millions of evangelical Christian citizens, not to mention the Founding Fathers. It is doubly dismaying to be subjected to the inappropriate, celebratory gestures on the part of those who supposedly represent all of us. I get that and can see why some Christians have at least a twinge of resentment. Of course, hate is inappropriate. Fear is totally unnecessary.

We are not perishing. Nothing has really changed, the reason being that God never changes. It is one of His attributes: immutability. Regardless of how circumstances change around us, no matter what dumb decisions I make or other humans make, God doesn’t change.

King Jesus is still on His throne. We declare dependence on Him. By fearing decisions made by a human Supreme Court, we are being too dependent on human beings and the circumstances. Declare your dependence on God and fear not!

In Matthew’s gospel, just a couple chapters prior to the storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus spent several verses encouraging the crowd and the disciples, in His Sermon on the Mount, not to worry. Of course, He was talking about food and clothing—God’s provision—but in the process He told them that their heavenly Father cares about little birds and beautiful flowers. Shouldn’t that have taught them something about how much He cared about them out there in the middle of that lake? If he cares about birds’ cuisine and flowers’ attire, shouldn’t they know by now their protection is a bit higher on God’s list of priorities for those created in His image? Had God changed? No, because He doesn’t.

Like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, we forget too quickly how powerful God is. We see Him work and then proceed to doubt Him when the next challenge arises. What kind of faith is that? Jesus called it “little faith” and I think He was being generous.

God in Exodus was rightly perturbed at His children who, having observed the 10 plagues and Passover, the parting of the Red Sea, the miracles of manna in the wilderness, the water from the rock and the provision of the Law on Sinai, showed their appreciation by fashioning a golden calf and worshipping it instead of the true God! How soon they forget!

The Israelites created a false god to fill the gap when they believed God wasn’t there. Fear often results from believing you’re on your own. It may feel like we’ve been abandoned. At a time of uncertainty in our land, this is the time to truly declare our dependence on Him. His power and His love never cease! He is the unchanging God!

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
─Hebrews 13:8



